Megan Humburg Postdoctoral Fellow Departments/Offices: Center for Research on Learning and TechnologyEmail:
Tyna Hunnicutt Director, Office of Clinical Experiences Departments/Offices: Undergraduate and Teacher Education; Clinical ExperiencesEmail: thunnicu@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-8541
Sarah Hurwitz Associate Professor Departments/Offices: Curriculum and InstructionAcademic Programs: Special EducationResearch Areas: Special Education, Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, Autism, Students with DisabilitiesEmail: shurwitz@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-8134
Rhonda Hylton Assistant Professor Departments/Offices: Curriculum and InstructionAcademic Programs: Literacy, Culture, and Language EducationResearch Areas: Literacy pedagogical practices of Black women faculty, epistemological ways of knowing and being for Black women faculty, intersectionality, cultural and social issues embedded in schools, preservice teacher educationEmail:
Gary Ingersoll Professor Emeritus Departments/Offices: Applied Psychology in Education and Research MethodologyAcademic Programs: Human Development; Qualitative and Quantitative Research MethodologyEmail:
Erik Jacobson Associate Professor Departments/Offices: Center for Research on Learning and Technology; Curriculum and InstructionAcademic Programs: Mathematics EducationResearch Areas: Mathematics Education, Teacher Knowledge and Beliefs, AssessmentEmail: erdajaco@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-8149
Maria Jensen Faculty Affairs Coordinator Departments/Offices: Office of the DeanEmail: jensen5@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-8019
Caree Jent Student Services Coordinator Departments/Offices: Graduate StudiesEmail: cjent@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-8520
Christina Jones Education Librarian / Head, Education Library Departments/Offices: Education LibraryEmail: culrich@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-8594