Elizabeth Chadwell Assistant Director, Global Gateway for Teachers Departments/Offices: Global Gateway for Teachers; Undergraduate and Teacher EducationEmail: efetsis@iu.eduPhone: (812) 369-7735
Nancy Chism Professor Emerita Departments/Offices: Educational Leadership and Policy StudiesAcademic Programs: Higher Education and Student Affairs; Social Studies EducationResearch Areas: Professional and organizational development in higher educationEmail: nchism@iupui.edu
Leslie Chrapliwy Graduate Recorder Departments/Offices: Graduate StudiesEmail: lchrapli@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-3503
Chad Christensen Associate Research Scientist and LSSSE Project Manager Departments/Offices: Center for Postsecondary ResearchEmail: chachris@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-5823
Lara Christoun Director, Transition to Teaching and Alternative Pathways Departments/Offices: Undergraduate and Teacher EducationAcademic Programs: Transition to TeachingEmail: larachri@iu.edu
Katie Cierniak Director, INSPIRE Living-Learning Center Departments/Offices: INSPIRE Living-Learning Center; Community Engagement; Global and International EngagementEmail: kciernia@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-1423
Emily Clark Admin and Procurement Rep Departments/Offices: Center for Research on Learning and TechnologyEmail: ec15@iu.edu
Austin Cobb Data Analyst Departments/Offices: Accreditation; Career Connections; Records and Reporting; Undergraduate and Teacher EducationEmail: aucobb@iu.edu
James Cole Associate Research Scientist Departments/Offices: Center for Postsecondary ResearchEmail: colejs@iu.eduPhone: (812) 856-3004
Sandi Cole Director, Center on Education and Lifelong Learning Departments/Offices: Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Leadership and Policy StudiesAcademic Programs: Special Education; Educational LeadershipEmail: cmcole@iu.edu