Ellen Vaughan


Applied Psychology in Education and Research Methodology
Academic Programs:
Counseling; Counseling Psychology
Research Areas:
Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders, Latinx Mental Health
ED 4054
(812) 856-8243
Curriculum Vitae

About Me

My program of research examines risk and protective factors for substance use and substance use disorders among adolescents and emerging adults, including Latino/a/x adolescents and emerging adults.

In terms of clinical practice, I am interested in mental health and substance use disorder treatment, including providing services for Spanish speaking clients. To this end, I have developed a specialty practicum, CHGUnido, in order to train Spanish-speaking students in the provision of mental health services in Spanish and to increase access to Spanish language mental health services in the Bloomington community. **Students who are interested in training in the provision of mental health services in Spanish through in the CHGUnido specialty practicum should be fluent Spanish speakers.

Ofrecemos servicios de consejería confidencial para individuales, familias y parejas en el Centro de Crecimiento Humano (CHGUnido). Para contactarnos, llame al 812-856-6975 o enviarnos un correo electrónico CHGUnido@indiana.edu.

At our training clinic, the Center for Human Growth, we offer counseling services in English and Spanish to the Bloomington community. For more information on Spanish speaking services, please contact CHGUnido at 812-856-6975 or CHGUnido@indiana.edu.

***If you are interested in our doctoral program in Counseling Psychology, Each fall, I typically take 1-2 students. Students who work with me have research or clinical interests in substance use disorders, prevention/treatment, and/or Latino/a/x Mental Health. Finally, students who have a strong interests in learning about and engaging in the research process are especially encouraged to apply. Research is a central part of IU's counseling psychology program.

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