International and Comparative Education

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

International and Comparative Education

Help shape education practice in the United States and around the world.

Expand your understanding of the economic, social, political, and cultural influences on education. You’ll be introduced to core concepts in comparative education, obtain a social scientific perspective on education policy, sharpen your knowledge of particular education issues, and develop the ability to conduct basic research.

You can also do independent research in the United States or abroad as part of your optional master’s thesis.

Our faculty’s interests range from the moral and ethical implications of education choice and standardized assessment to citizenship education and secondary education reform in emerging democracies. Their global focus ranges from teacher preparation in Indonesia, to schooling for democracy in South Africa, to the impact of slavery on contemporary American education.

Wherever your own scholarly interests take you, you’ll find a willing mentor to help you plan your degree program, choose research topics, and guide your intellectual growth.

Our faculty

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Visiting Clinical Associate Professor

Research Areas:
Global citizenship education, comparative education, critical literacies, issues-based social studies education
(812) 855-4219
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Research Areas:
Social and civic education; history education; human rights education; curriculum history
(812) 856-8058
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Research Areas:
Sociolinguistics, language policy and planning, language revitalization, global indigeneity, and translingual literacies
(812) 856-8232
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Professor, International and Comparative Education Program Chair

Research Areas:
Global-local forces on cultural constructions of democracy, citizen identities of children and youth, formal citizenship education
(812) 855-0172

Contact Us

Patricia Kubow
ED 3210
(812) 855-0172