Classroom Presentations

Classroom Presentations

Schedule a Career Connections classroom presentation! 

If there is a career related topic that you want your students to learn more about, we are here to help! Staff from our office are happy to visit classes to conduct interactive, topical workshops or simply inform students about our services.  

Workshop topics include: 

  • resume development
  • cover letter writing
  • securing letters of recommendation
  • crafting an “elevator pitch” and networking
  • developing an online professional profile
  • skillfully assembling an ePortfolio
  • interviewing
  • effectively using Handshake
  • self-care strategies and professional well-being

In addition, if you find that you, as an instructor, need to be absent for a day of class, don’t cancel class! Rather, consider reaching out to Career Connections to coordinate a classroom workshop for that day.

To explore classroom workshop possibilities, please email