Iwan Sianturi

Ph.D. in Mathematics Education

Paranginan, Medan, Indonesia

Iwan A. J. Sianturi is a Ph.D. Candidate in Mathematics Education at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB). In addition to his academic pursuits, Iwan serves as an Associate Instructor and a Graduate Research Assistant at IUB. He holds a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Education, both in Mathematics Education.

Prior to his doctoral studies at IUB, Iwan taught mathematics to elementary and secondary school students in Indonesia and college students in Taiwan. After completing his Master’s degree in Taiwan, he worked as a junior researcher, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. During this employment, he collaborated on several research projects with professors at National Taiwan Normal University and National Chiayi University in Taiwan.

Iwan’s decision to study at IUB was significantly shaped by the university’s esteemed faculty in mathematics education and their notable contributions to leading journals in the field. He was drawn to the vibrant academic community at IUB, which promotes the exchange of ideas and engagement with pioneering researchers from around the globe. The location of IU also played a crucial role in his decision; he admires the breathtaking beauty of the IUB campus and the town of Bloomington, celebrated for its picturesque landscapes throughout the seasons. Iwan takes pleasure in finding tranquil outdoor spaces or cozy window seats in IU libraries, as well as in cafés and bakeries like Crumble Coffee and Bakery, where he can work or unwind with friends.

As a first-generation college student, Iwan has experienced firsthand the transformative power of education and is dedicated to enabling others to pursue higher education. He aims to inspire those who might consider a bachelor’s degree beyond reach, encouraging them to aspire to even higher achievements, such as earning a doctoral degree from a prestigious university in the United States.

Among his proudest accomplishments, Iwan has presented his research at leading education conferences, including the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Since joining the doctoral program at IUB, he has published five research papers in leading journals in his field. Further details about his work can be found on his Google Scholar profile and his Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID).